2023 is Year of the Trail in the Great Trails State, and it’s almost 2023. Have you started planning what you will do on your “first day outdoors”?
January 1st is the start of a new year and Year of the Trail here in North Carolina. While it’s easy to quickly assume that it’s going to be cold, wintry, and unpleasant…making those outdoor adventures quite challenging, did you know that in 2022 it was close to 80 degrees out? That’s pretty nice. And while that was a bit of an outlier, on average, in North Carolina, the high on New Years Day is 58 degrees! Sounds like a pretty good day for a hike, if you ask us!
So what’s the big deal about “First Day Outdoors”? Well, it’s the first day of the year to get outside AND the start of Year of the Trail, that’s what! It’s a day to set intentions for the rest of the year and to come together with family, friends, and neighbors, or just yourself, to get outside and on a trail. If you can’t get out on New Year’s Day, then that’s ok too. You can have your First Day Outdoors whenever that day happens for you!

What to Expect for First Day Outdoors:
A lot is happening on January 1st, and there are many ways to get outside and on a trail! If you’re looking for an organized outing, check out our “Events” page by clicking on the tab at the top of the screen. There you’ll find events of all kinds from all across the state. There are going to be first day hikes in all of North Carolina’s State Parks and many clubs and organizations are putting on events in communities large and small.
How do you get involved? Share what you’re doing for your First Day Outdoors with us! Follow @greattrailsnc on social media. Tag #yearofthetrail on your First Day Adventure and show us how you kick off Year of the Trail. A few lucky winners will be chosen at random to win Year of the Trail gear! If you want to go ahead and get geared up, be sure to visit the merch store. You can find it at the tab at the top of the page or, just click here.
Most importantly, get outside and have fun. Whether you hike, bike, skate, roll, ride, paddle, summersault, or clog down the trail, kick off the year with the intention of being outside as much as you can all year long! As with any outdoor adventure, take note of the weather and be prepared for the conditions that may present themselves with appropriate clothing and trail necessities to ensure a safe and fun day.