Vivianette Oritz is the Co-founder and Executive Director of Latinos Aventureros. Their mission is to help everyone experience the outdoors by supporting and educating community members, with a primary focus on the BIPOC community. All communications are in Spanish and English in order to help bridge the gap.
“Providing information in Spanish brings the Latino community in, and is a step towards bridging the gap. We have 9 leaders and 5 ambassadors. I was inspired to advocate for more Latinos to go outdoors because I didn’t feel represented outdoors. After being in the Carolinas for 17 years and only recently discovering its beauty and diverse trails, I don’t want people to wait years to go outside and explore. I want everyone to know the outdoors is for all and we are here to support them on their journey. Latinos Aventureros is my outlet and my happy place. It is my connection to people, nature, my culture, the Carolinas, bonding time with my kiddo, and leadership building. At every event, we have new members, people who are discovering the outdoors for the first time, and they love it! This gives me hope and joy.”
Vivianette Oritz, Latinos Aventureros
We asked Vivianette what one of her favorite hikes is:
“When hiking through Crowders Mountain State Park in Gaston County sometimes it is hard work, but reaching the summit always brings me so much joy. My favorite trail there is Pinnacle Trail. Even though I’ve lived in Gaston County for a while, I used to avoid Crowders Mountain because of the difficulty depending on the trail. I realized that I don’t have to exercise every day or be fit to walk the trails. Realizing that, has given me the inspiration and motivation I needed to explore trails and know that I belong. There isn’t a right or wrong way to do this, and the time to get outside is now.”
“Caminar por el Parque Estatal Crowders Mountain en el condado de Gaston a veces es un trabajo duro, pero llegar a la cima siempre me da alegría. Mi sendero favorito es Pinnacle Trail. Aunque he vivido en el condado de Gaston por un tiempo, solía evitar Crowders Mountain debido a la dificultad según el sendero. Me di cuenta de que no tengo que hacer ejercicio todos los días ni estar en forma para caminar por los senderos. Darme cuenta de eso me ha dado la inspiración y la motivación que necesitaba para explorar senderos y saber que pertenezco. No hay una manera correcta o incorrecta de hacer esto, y ahora es el momento de salir afuera.”